
“Build Up Skills Lithuania 2030” Initiative Maps Out Future of Construction Sector
VILNIUS, Lithuania – The ambitious “Build Up Skills Lithuania 2030” initiative, a comprehensive project aimed at revolutionizing the Lithuanian construction sector, has made significant strides

Launched in 2011, BUILD UP Skills is a European initiative aimed at enhancing the skills of building professionals to deliver high-energy performance renovations and Nearly

H2020 BIMplement project Newsletters
The roots of BIMplement lie in the “Build Up Skills (BUS)” European project whose objective was to raise the skills of the white and blue

BIMplement webinar
We are delighted to invite you to the first webinar of the EU-funded project BIMplement. For the past two years, the BIMplement team has been developing

The Centre will be engaged in international qualifications transfer activities
Regional Innovation Management Centre will help and facilitate adoption of internationally recognised qualifications at

“Dare to say “YES” for retrofitting
The Regional Innovation Management Center has just started co-ordination of “Dare to say” YES “to retrofitting” initiative at national level. The aim of the initiative

Hands on BIM related training of vocational trainers
Regional Innovation Management Centre has been awarded a contract to initiate and undertake training of vocational trainers in Lithuanian construction sector thereby strengthening their technological

A fresh start of BIMplement – setting up a large-scale and flexible qualification methodology integrating technical, cross-craft and BIM related skills and competences
NZEB construction needs an enhanced systematic approach for the quality control of the entire process to reduce the gap between designed and actual performances of

BUILD UP Skills EU Exchange meeting in Brussels
To facilitate better exchange of know how among different EU member states in the area of builders’ qualification related to close to zero energy buildings,

Regional Innovation Management Center contributes to BIM competences promotion in Lithuania and other EU countries
In 2013 Regional Innovation Management Centre together with UAB “AGA CAD” has initiated the project BIM Train, which main goal – to promote the use

ENERGOTRAIN aims to attract high number of stakeholders from construction sector
Regional Innovation Management Center initiated and is currently coordinating the BUILD UP Skills ENERGOTRAIN initiative in Lithuania towards better preparation of Lithuania’s builders and installers